Earth Day Poster, 1970

Poster for First Earth Day

Earth Day Poster, 1970
Mary Lynne Hartwell (quotation) and Susan Palmer (artist),
#1 EARTH DAY SERIES [Earth Day Poster],
Aspen CO: Earthternity Company, 1970

Poster for First Earth Day

This poster, with its sparse, stark forest, was one attempt to capture the urgency of the moment and the environment movement visually and includes the Ron Cobb-designed “Ecology” flag in the bottom right-hand corner. Cobb created the symbol on the flag by beginning with the idea and word “ecology”, the branch of biology which treats of the relations between organisms and their environment. Isolating the “e” for “environment” and “o” for “organism”, he created a new symbol of the “e” and “o” overlaid. First published in The Los Angeles Free Press in 1969, the symbol appeared as part of the flag on the April 21, 1970 cover of Look magazine.

Mary Lynne Hartwell (quotation) and Susan Palmer (artist)
#1 EARTH DAY SERIES [Earth Day Poster]
Aspen CO: Earthternity Company, 1970

CO2 PPM in 1970: 323.9