Weather records for Philipsburg, Pa.

Weather Diaries

  • Weather records for Philipsburg, Pa.
    Weather records for Philipsburg, Pa., kept by Hardman Philips and Thomas Lever, 1822-1825.

Weather Diaries

Archival records documenting historical weather can offer climatologists an important data point when seeking to understand past climatic conditions. This weather diary, dutifully compiled by Hardman Philips and Thomas Lever of Philipsburg, Pennsylvania, captures temperature and barometer readings several times a day for three years between 1822 and 1825. Additional notes record wind, precipitation, and cloudiness. In these pages from Summer 1824, Lever notes the accumulation of frost in the early mornings of several days in July and August.

Weather records for Philipsburg, Pa., kept by Hardman Philips and Thomas Lever, 1822-1825. 

CO2 PPM in 1822-1825: 283